NCSSM Teaching Awards


Board of Governors Award for Excellence in Teaching 

NCSSM Outstanding Teacher Awards

NCSSM Awards for Exceptional Contribution as an NCSSM Faculty Member 

Governor James E. Holshouser, Jr. Award for Excellence in Public Service

Nomination & Selection Procedures

Step I:  Nomination (to be completed by nominator)

The committee may accept nominations for all awards from faculty and alumni only. A faculty member may self-nominate for any or all awards. No person while serving on the committee, however, may nominate a faculty member or write a letter of endorsement for a nominee. 

Nomination Forms are due by 5:00pm on Wednesday, October 16. 

Step II: Nomination Acceptance (to be completed by candidate)

Once a faculty member has been nominated, they will receive an email with a form to complete.  This form requires two actions:

Nomination Acceptance Forms are due as soon as possible and no later than 5:00pm on Friday, October 18.   

Step III:  Complete the Candidate Portfolio (to be completed by candidate)

Each nominee must submit a portfolio to be considered for teaching awards.  

Deadline for Portfolio Submission:  Monday, November 11

Step IV:  Letters of Endorsement (to be completed by endorsers)

Each teaching award nominee must request two statements of endorsement to complete their portfolio.  

Deadline for Endorsement Statement Submission:  Monday, November 11

Writers of Summary Endorsement Statements should submit their letter as a PDF, Google doc, or Word document through the Teacher Award Endorsement Statement Form.  

Step V:  Selection Committee (to be completed by committee members)

The Teaching Awards selection committee will review all completed nominee portfolios and meet in January to select the recipients.  Recipients will be announced at a ceremony in January.  

Teaching Awards Committee Procedures

NCSSM Policy 4300:  Procedures for Faculty Teaching Awards

Previous Teaching Award Recipients